Wednesday, October 22, 2008


^---------------------Click on the picture for a larger view!

I think this sums up my last entry to a Tee....

(Picture is from here.... 'Tis a great site... You too can make your own DEmotivational calendar! I did! I even gave them my credit card details! (oh oh!))

Fear vs Common Sense?

If there is one thing I am going to teach my students through the use of technology, it will be:


I believe that is why most adults are hesitant when it comes to clicking the 'continue' button, and instead go for the easier option... the 'Back' or, even worse, the 'Cancel' button...!

Nobody taught me to use technology, there was no teacher telling me exactly where to click and what to type in Excel to find the hidden flight simulator.... But at the same time, no one told me that if I deleted the 'C:/windows' file on my laptop when I was in grade 10, that I would lose my entire assignment... due the next day.

I just 'gave things a go'.

And because of this 'No Fear' attitude towards technology, I was one of the scarily few people who raised her hand when Max asked who thought they knew more about computers than their students.

Don't be afraid to click the 'Continue' button. Don't be afraid to open that attached file in your inbox named "uve_1_ten_million_dollas.exe". We learn by doing, and making mistakes, and if you have taken all the necessary precautions (Making a back up copy of all your digital pictures of your first child is a GOOD idea...) Then the worst that can happen is you have to reinstall Windows, which, besides being time consuming and annoying, and dispite what Bill Gates and his Army of programmers might lead you t believe, is NOT the end of the world.

If you HAVE NOT made back ups, then maybe this will be a great learning experience for next time?! (Just like the time I realised that leaving an assignment till the last day DOES NOT always get me better marks..) (-.-)

If you want to do more serious business on your computer/internet, get the basics down first. DO NOT give you're personal details to ANYONE you do not know, (would you walk up to a stranger on the street and tell them you date of birth and your credit card number? If you would, then maybe you shouldn't have a credit card to start with....(0.o)

If we are so afraid to use technology, we will undoubtedly instill this fear into our students!

Instead of teaching and learning technology through fear ... Perhaps we should be teaching and learning common sense?

Have no fear, Jump on in!
