Monday, November 3, 2008


I just realised I haven't posted what my 3 ICTs are going to be!

ICT(1) - Publisher
ICT(2) - Audacity
ICT(3) - Google/web searches

The activities are aimed at Year 7

Students are going to be constructing a review of an item of their choice (book, movie, game, cd etc). They will first construct it as an article in a newspaper/magazine in Publisher (with headings, images, by-lies etc).

Students with be using the WWW to search for RELEVANT images to include in this written format.

Students will then use Audacity to transform their written review into a spoken review (with a radio audience). The spoken review should include relevant sound clips and appropriate editing.

Ultimately, students' written reviews will be submitted to the school's newspaper and their spoke reviews saves to a CD and placed in the school library for student reference, giving the task a real life context.

Let me know what you think!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Erica,

I was impressed with your portfolio and your teaching experience. Japan must have been fun!

You seem to have covered all the criteria well. The only constructive comment I could think to add is that the page is very pink. I don't think this would be even relevant to mention for an ECE class but I am not sure if Grade 7 boys would be comfortable using a pink wiki page. This is such a nit-picky point but it was the only thing I could think to comment on.

Thanks for sharing. Good luck with your exams.

