Monday, November 3, 2008

Long Blog entry is LONG!

Well I think I have my wiki in order....

Just need to add the content... (im still working on that... lol)

I've found it quite a challange to play around with LearnJCU's wiki tool, as I'm used to writing the code rather than 'point and click' style editing. Also the HTML editor tool on the Wiki is SHOCKING?!?! It just makes ONE BIG JUMBLE of html code, NO BREAKS! makes it almost impossible to find where things are....

Oh well... that my whine over. On a Happier Note!

We FINALLY finished our SOSE unit plan...

What a crazy crazy assignment... Maybe I should practice what I preach and NOT leave my assignments until the last day...


Not that Im doing that with my Tech assignment!! Its not due for a WEEK!



On a (technological) side note, here is a pic of my new computer! It is AWESOME!

Thats the graphics card being held there!!

Although I'm having some trouble with Windows Vista trying to CONSTANTLY second guess/undermine my decisions (My house mate tells me my Vista has no confidence in my decision making skills whatsoever... oh noes!)

I guess it's like going from a manual to an automatic transmission car... And I haven't even TRIED to network it to my XP machine yet... Ahh that's a day-long task set for after exams are finished...

Speaking of exams... ONLY 2 more weeks! D'OH!

Ok... going back to work on Tech portfolio now.... will keep this blog posted on my progress!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Hi Erica
Just thought I'd add a hello to your blog and to share a cool and very user friendly wiki creation page. If you go to and register for free. I went in cold turkey and managed to work it out fairly quickly. It's probably too late but I thought it was worth a shot to share with you anyway. Your blog looks awesome as well. I love the black background.

Cheers Kim